Spiders empire standard ads [Page 6]

Spiders and Scorpions kaufen und verkaufen Photo: spidershop.su Sale of tarantula
Sell Spiders and Scorpions

spidershop.su Sale of tarantula

Sale of tarantula spiders: (spidershop.su)
0.0.x Cyriopagopus sp. Hati hati 2L 4€
4.3 Brachypelma boehmei 3cm - 15/25€
4.3 Brachypelma hamorii (ex/smithi) 4-5 cm - 18/40€
5.6 Brachypelma hamorii (ex/smithi) 3 cm - 15/27€
5.10 Lasiodora parahybana (ex/smithi) 3-4 cm - 10/25€
5.5 Pterinopelma sazimai 2.5-3 cm - 10/30€
5.10 Brachypelma emilia 2.5-3 cm - 15/30€
0.1 Poecilotheria tigrinawesseli 6L - 35€
instagram: spidershopzp

Sell - bird spiders

Selling my own bird spiders

Hello, for sale are the following spiders with a backlit terrarium:
0.1 Pamphobeteus Antinous (sub-female) 9 cm body (terra. 30*50*30) 300,- EUR
0.0.1 Theraphos blondi (80% female) 6 cm body (terra: 30*50*30) 250,- EUR
0.1 Grammostola grossa juv. female 6 cm body (terra: 30*30*30) 100,- EUR
0.1 Trixopelma ockerti adult female (5 years old) 6 cm body (terra: 30*30*30) 100,- EUR

I will send you a private photo on request. I do not mail, only personal receipt (Budaörs, Hungary).

Im looking for a supplier of tarantulas, true spider and scorpions as well as other invertebrate species